
Project Management portfolio

Goal: Increasing access to chronic disease self-management resourcesMy Contribution: Developed & led an 11-county-wide coalition in addition to creating client resource foldersOutcome: Increased access to resources by 90%COMPLETE PRESENTATION

Goal: Develop a new forecasting approach to increase accuracyMy Contribution: Implemented a month-to-month forecast approachOutcome: Increased accuracy and gave potential solutions to current variabilityCOMPLETE PRESENTATION

no-code portfolio

Built on Glide, Tiara created a simple app for tracking thankful moments.The app, Give Thanks, helps you track your daily moments of thanks along with monthly stats to see your past accomplishments.MOBILE APPMAKERPAD CERTIFICATE

Built on Softr with Airtable as the database, Tiara created an upvoting site for nonprofits.The site, called OrgVote, helps nonprofits vote on software and solutions made just for them.FULL WEBSITEMAKERPAD CERTIFICATE

A single sheet grant tracker for nonprofits built manually using Airtable.This grant tracker comes with three different views: Kanban view, grid view, & form view.MAKERPAD CERTIFICATE

Built on Carrd, Tiara created this website for a solopreneur selling bistro-style foods.The solopreneur was taking orders manually and via DMs.Tiara helped streamline the process by creating a simple order page that would send orders directly to the client.FULL WEBSITEMAKERPAD CERTIFICATE

A lead generation resource database built manually using Notion.This provides three different views: list view, table, & board, and is organized by resource type.NOTION DATABASEMAKERPAD CERTIFICATE